Our interest in this issue is more than just undocumented aliens entering this country illegally, it is the penalties that will be born by the employer.
The Judge let stand the employer penalty portion of the Arizona law which opens the door to prosecution of business owners for hiring illegal immigrants. But, An Employer who may very well have done their due diligence in verifying citizenship but was presented with false documents subjects themselves to criminal penalties if they hire that individual. How will law enforcement know if an employee is here illegally if they are not allowed to ask them?
Keep in mind, what is in one state today is here in New Jersey tomorrow.
By blocking key provisions of Arizona's Immigration Law SB1070, Judge Susan Bolton has pushed our nation toward a radical expansion of the rights of illegal aliens and has given a green light to anyone that wants to cross our border illegally and do us harm by informing them that their presence here can not be challenged by local officials.
Bolton's ruling undermines the rights of every American citizen while leaving the states as pawns in a federal amnesty plan. In fact, Bolton's decision is a direct assault on every American and serves only to aid in the consolidation and centralizing of all power into the Obama Administration. It makes no difference who the President is, that is a bad precedent to set.
The National Review wrote: "If [Bolton's] reasoning stands, we will basically cut Congress out of immigration policy and the states out of enforcement. Instead, our immigration system will entirely depend on executive discretion at a time when the executive has little interest in enforcing the law.
The argument by some that it is the Federal Governments job to enforce Federal Law is ludicrous at best. that reasoning says that since bank robbery is a federal crime local law enforcement would could not arrest criminals that rob banks either.
This court case has now become a high-stakes legal battle between Obama and the American people. What happens in Arizona and with this case will dramatically impact every state in the nation. Arizona has appealed and has been granted an expedited appeal hearing in 24 days.
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