We have reported for some time that there is serious shortage of workers entering the Skilled Trades. Dirty Jobs’ host Mike Rowe testified to the U.S. Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee on the need for the U.S. to promote skilled trades as a desired job and not just those of “higher education” (7:44 minutes). Read More
The NJECPAC in NJ and the IEC National Association in Washington are working in various ways, including but not limited to having Legislation passed to promote Apprentice Training for all with a focus on Merit Shop Apprentices. A focus has also been placed upon skilled trades training for Journeymen, Foremen and Project Managers to produce a highly trained Workforce.
NJECPAC has posted the Mike Rowe video on our YouTube Channel. To view Video Click Here Mike Rowe sends a very powerful message. Thanks to Jerry Thomas, IEC Dallas, for passing this Video along.
Feel free to explore the dozens of other very informative videos posted on our NJECPAC YouTube Channel @ www.youtube.com/njecpac
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