Gas prices are still high, and far too many Americans have lost their jobs and are being squeezed by the high cost of energy.
The Keystone XL pipeline would bring North American oil to refineries on the Gulf Coast here in the US.That means more American jobs and lower energy costs, and a more stable, secure energy supply. Unless the Federal Government allows access to the vast resources at our fingertips, those jobs will go overseas - and $4 a gallon and higher gas will be back sooner than we think.
You can help right now: Send a letter to the Obama Administration and tell them to approve the Keystone XL Pipeline.
Using Oil Resources from the Keystone XL Pipeline will:
- Supply Americans with abundant North American energy and help lower overseas imports;
- Create tens of thousands of American jobs throughout the United States;
- Add billions in revenue to the federal government at a time of ballooning federal deficits; and
- Provide relief to Americans struggling with the high costs of energy.
Click here to submit your letter TODAY! Speak out now – we can’t afford to wait.
You can also contact your Congressman and Senator and tell them to put pressure on Obama act now !!
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