Can we stop acting as if people who work for the government are the heroes of working people?
MSNBC among others are covering the public union fighting in Wisconsin as if it's the 9/11 attack, and the Republicans are al-Qaida. Its entire prime-time schedule is dedicated to portraying self- interested government employees as if they're Marines taking on the Taliban.
Public sector workers are pursuing their own narrow financial interests to the detriment of everyone else in their states. That's fine, its what most of us do, but can we stop pretending it's virtuous?
Because of the insane union contracts in Wisconsin, one Madison bus driver, was able to make $159,000 in 2009, about $100,000 of which in overtime pay. Jackie Gleason didn't make that much playing bus driver Ralph Kramden on "The Honeymooners."
When asked about the outrageous overtime pay for bus drivers, totaling $1.94 million in 2009 alone, Transit and Parking Commission Chairman Gary Poulson said: "That's the contract."
There in lies the problem, not as much with the workers that are going to work and being paid per that contract, but with the political hack that agreed to that contract in the first place, all at the publics expense. It's ludicrous to suggest that these union contracts were fairly bargained. Only one side was at the negotiating table. The side who is actuall has to pay were all at work.
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