By Joseph Hovanec |
The Company's bankruptcy filing is the "8th Largest in US History", so one would think it would be news. However, the so called Mainstream Media with the exception of Fox News is largely silent on the issue. The only reason that so many people do know about it is that more people watch Fox News than all the other Mainstream news networks combined.
The main cause of the MF Global meltdown is reported to be largely caused by the misuse of and dare I say 'missing' client money which forced the firm into Bankruptcy. Jon Corzine tried to unload, or as some would say 'sell' the firm just prior to the Meltdown but the company that would have been the new owner discovered that there is approximately 1.2 Billion in client money that could not be accounted for so that deal fell through which led to MF Globals demise.
Jon Corzine testified in front of Congress yesterday where he stated that he is sorry, but he does not know where the missing MF Global clients money is.
So it seems that Jon Corzine left MF Global in exactly the same condition he left Trenton, 'BROKE', Imagine That!!!
Jon Corzine testified in front of Congress yesterday where he stated that he is sorry, but he does not know where the missing MF Global clients money is.
So it seems that Jon Corzine left MF Global in exactly the same condition he left Trenton, 'BROKE', Imagine That!!!
One of my favorite cyber columnists Rich Galen today wrote on Jon Corzine and MF Global, His article is so informative and well written that I have included a link to it Here
Watch WSJ coverage of Jon Corzine’s Testimony before Congress Here
Watch excerpt of Jon Corzine’s Video Testimony Here
Read Wikipedia entry for the Sarbanes-Oxley bill Here
Read Reuters explanation of what happened at MF Global Here