Unionized Public Employee Saddle Municipalities With Hundreds Of Millions Of Dollars In Sick And Vacation Time Payouts.
Senators Tom Kean, Jr. (R- Union) and Joe Kyrillos (R- Monmouth) said that Legislative Democrats are seeking to preserve jackpot payouts for municipal employees at the expense of New Jersey's Taxpayers
“Current employees, who are left untouched by the Democrats’ sham sick leave reform bill, have racked up $825 million in unused leave time that will be paid for by the taxpayers,” said Senator Kean. “There is no excuse to allow these employees to continue to accumulate time that may be cashed out upon retirement on top of that $825 million, as has been proposed by Legislative Democrats.”
“There’s no defensible reason to add to the taxpayers’ burden,” said Kyrillos. “Democrats seem to be genetically incapable of embracing common sense reform.” Read More