A new survey shows that many small businesses misunderstand the employer mandate of the Affordable Care Act, which affects only businesses with the equivalent of at least 50 full-time workers. More than half of the 259 survey respondents -- all of whom do not meet the mandate threshold -- mistakenly thought they would be subject to the mandate. Read More On Bloomberg Businessweek | Read More At Entrepreneur online
The mandate is just the beginning of what is ahead for small businesses. Just one repercussion is every business will have to pay $63 per year for each employee and employee dependent on their company health care plan for each of the next three years. This is to pay for preexisting conditions that are now mandated to be covered under the law.
The question remains how could these businesses not know how this law will effect them. One reason is many small business owners could not be bothered to belong to a credible Business Association within their field that would have provided them with National Regulatory and Legislative info important to them and their businesses. That is really the only viable explanation how these business owners could possibly be unaware of what Obamacare would mean to them and their businesses.
They chose not to belong to save a few bucks on Association Dues, or perhaps because they believe they don't have the time or they believe that they do not need to belong to a National Association and prefer to belong to their local social club. They are full of Excuses, we have heard them all but now, they will pay for their isolation. Unlike Business Associations, Government laws and regulations offer NO Return on Investment.
In addition to offering Association Group Healthcare for Electrical Contractors, The only Electrical Contractors Association in New Jersey offering State and National Regulatory and Legislative Affairs exclusively for Merit Shop Electrical Contractors is New Jersey IEC.
New Jersey IEC has retained a Lobbyist in New Jersey and is represented by IEC's Vice President of Government Affairs on Staff at the IEC National Office in Alexandria Virginia.
NJECPAC has partnered with New Jersey IEC to provide the most important of the myriad of Regulations and Legislative mandates effecting Electrical Contractors to NJECPAC member Organizations.
Find more information on New Jersey IEC and Association Group Health Benefits for Electrical Contractors Here
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